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success experience中文是什么意思

用"success experience"造句"success experience"怎么读"success experience" in a sentence


  • 成功体验


  • Success experience of american seed industry and some inspirations find from
  • The third segment summarize cswa m & e system success experience
  • We can use the success experiences of america and other countries as reference in setting our own eso project
  • Inspiration and propose in china from success experiences in development of small and medium - sized enterprise supported by european union
  • Government at that time had to follow the success experiences from the foreign countries in order to enact civil code as soon as possible
  • China is now revising the bankruptcy law which makes up greatly the insufficiency of the exsiting law through learning from the success experiences from foreign countries
  • The paper reviews the background of optimum design for letan hydropower station , introduces the principal and method of optimum design and summarizes the success experience
  • But relying on the newspaper reform forerunner ' s success experience and unifying the region overall environment , henan daily is unceasingly exploring road of the own reform development
    但凭借报纸改革先行者的成功经验,结合所处地域整体环境, 《河南日报》也在不断探索自己的改革发展之路。
  • From1998 , i attend all prophase preparation and project implementation work . according to my experience and study , i have summarized and analyzed project implementation method and success experience
  • The students participated with enthusiasm and developed their personality in the social practice organized by jiangnan middle school themed activity participation , practice reception , success experience and teamwork promotion
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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